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3band Award
Post By : EUGENE 586 Time : 2012/03/20 14:58  viewed : 7382
HI dear James.

> Dear OM,
> We only take BV100 QSL for award. By our log you have worked with
> BV100 on two bands(20M and 12M) only. For Tri-Band award you need three bands.

Sorry i change my call 25.11.2010
May bee this QSO is on my RD1AW ?
Pse Ariwed QSO for RD1AW

010/11/05 13:38:05 RD1AW 40M CW 599 599
2010/11/05 07:55:43 RD1AW 15M RTTY 599 599
2010/11/04 07:28:53 RD1AW 15M SSB 59 59
2011/10/16 06:28:00 RO1B 12M CW 599 599
2011/10/02 17:59:30 RO1B 20M CW 599 599

73! Eugene RO1B ex. RD1AW RU6MM UA0JHA UA6LXA

BV100 - Republic of China (Taiwan) Centennial Special Event Station