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このイベントについてなにかの不明な点があればBV2NT に聞いてください。BV2NT
problem with your email address
NICOL508 2011/06/18 09:49 投稿   人気ポイント : 9172
hi there. i'm trying to send you email but service is down at this moment.
For your QSL card what method? IRC? Green stamps?
i wait you answer! 73 de IZ2SXZ nicol
Our QSO: 17/06/2011 - 18:24 UTC - 14.246 Mhz
73 and thank you
  BRUCE509  2011/06/19 17:03:21応答  
Hi Nicol :TNX for contact with BV100. Using IRC or Green Stamp, all ok if you want to send requesting via by directive. de Bruce/BV2KI, The QSL Manager Of BV100.

BV100 - 中華民國建国100年記念局